Doors open at 6:00 PM
Cash Bar (We now accept debit/credit cards).
Open Shuffleboard Play at 7:00 PM — always looking for players
2 people per team
$5 to enter
2 Winners split the pot.
Come watch all the Boston Sports teams on our 4 large screens
Brady-Duggan Raffles are typically held on the last Friday of every month.
Drawing held at 7:30 PM.
Chance to win CASH each month. Learn More!
Proceeds support our Memorial Scholarship for High School Seniors
If your ball is drawn, you win $100
(Don’t need to be present to win the $100 prize).
A second ball will be drawn for $50.
(The winner must be present to collect the $50. If the winner is not present, then a second ball will be drawn. The process will continue until a winner is selected from those who are present. Winner of the first ball is eligible for the second drawing).
IMPORTANT: Winners must be PAID UP-TO-DATE in order to collect the drawing prize money.
It only costs $25 for 6 months of chances! (or $50/year). Anyone can join. We now offer online purchase of the balls.
The 6-month time frames are:
January - June ($25 per number)
July - December ($25 per number)
Each participant picks a unique number (up to 4 digits).
You may purchase several different numbers to increase your chance of winning!
Questions or Suggestions: Call Larry at (781) 447-9061
Email: CardKOC347@comcast.net
Website: KofCWhitman.com