Whitman Fire/Rescue Memorial Breakfast
On Sunday, June 4th, the Whitman Knights of Columbus Council 347 donated and served our local Fire Department a full breakfast at the fire station.
For the past 20 years, this has been an annual tradition. It's also a time when the Whitman Fire Department remembers all deceased members by placing a memorial brick in their name (for those that died in the past year) next to the fire station. Whitman Fire / Rescue
Taking part in cooking and serving were Past Grand Knight, Larry Roache; Past Grand Knight, Bob Daley; Past Grand Knight, Warren Kennedy; Current Grand Knight, Kevin Morrison, and incoming Grand Knight, Darren Benton.
Also helping to cook and serve: Chris Morgan, GK- Bob Daley's wife, and Karen McKenna of the Ladies of Peace.
A special thank you to Chief Tim Clancy for allowing the us to be part of this important annual tradition.