Whitman Fire/Rescue Memorial Breakfast
On Sunday, June 4th, the Whitman Knights of Columbus Council 347 donated and served our local Fire Department a full breakfast at the fire station.
For the past 20 years, this has been an annual tradition. It's also a time when the Whitman Fire Department remembers all deceased members by placing a memorial brick in their name (for those that died in the past year) next to the fire station. Whitman Fire / Rescue.
48th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Seniors 2022
48th annual Whitman Knights of Columbus Senior Dinner on November 19th, 2022. Due to a great team effort by all, we were honored to serve 300+ meals, including all the volunteers ( Whitman Hanson football players, Whitman Police officers who volunteered to help serve meals, and our own volunteers).
The Whitman Knights of Columbus would like to thank Chief of Police, Tim Hanlon, Deputy Chief, Joe Bombardier and Officer John Cannizzo.
We are most grateful to Mary Holland, Director for the Council on Aging, plus all the brother Knights, Ladies of Peace, and friends of the Council who helped make this a great day for the seniors!
A special thanks to Coach Zach and all the members of the Whitman-Hanson football team who helped serve! 🏈
Honoring the Whitman, MA Fire/Rescue Heroes
The Whitman, MA Council #347 Knights of Columbus were honored to serve breakfast to the Whitman Fire / Rescue on June 6, 2021, at their annual salute to their fallen firefighters.
More than 50 firefighters (retired and current) and their families attended.
The Whitman Selectmen; MA State Representative, Alyson M. Sullivan; and MA State Senator, Michael D. Brady were also in attendance to pay tribute to these courageous heroes.
Vaccination Center for 800 Seniors
During the months of March and April 2021, the Knights of Columbus Function Hall in Whitman, MA became a local COVID-19 Vaccination Center for Seniors Citizens on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Even the kitchen was transformed into a temporary vaccination station. A total of 800 senior citizens were vaccinated at the Whitman Knights of Columbus - Council 347.